
Nearly 90% of quality feedback survey results indicate clients are likely or very likely to recommend the CAM Test Prep to others!

Happy Customer Comments

“I’m happy to share that I have passed my CAM exam…I want to thank you for the excellent material you provided to study. The test prep prepared me for the exam to go in confidence to pass the exam. Thanks again.” Brad (Aircraft Program Manager, Fortune 500 Company)

I wanted to thank you and your team for creating CAM test prep.  I passed my exam recently using your program as part of my study process was a huge factor. Best to all” Steve (Aircraft Maintenance Manager)

Hello, Just wanted to let you know that I took the CAM test last month and passed. Your course helped tremendously. Thank you” Eric C. (Training Captain)

Going with CAS [CAM Test Prep] was a big help and a good resource in my studying. I will definitely recommend CAS [CAM Test Prep] to any who are prepping for the CAM. What I like most is that you are not a static company, you update your test questions. Thanks again, your prep added 10 years to my career.” Steve (Fortune 100 Company)

You guys cut my study time in half (probably more)“, Ajit Bhalodia, Corporate Captain

Thanks!!! CAM Test Prep was awesome!”, Christopher Cassano, Senior Captain, CAM, PPG Flight Department

“Thank you, the Cam Test Prep was crucial for developing the foundation!!” Josey Billington, CAM, Director of Flight Operations, Quantum Spatial

“The test prep was a major part of my success and gave me confidence, knowing what to expect. I highly recommend it” Jeff Taylor, CAM, Director of Aviation

“I felt that the CAM test prep was a significant benefit in my preparation for the exam. Primarily, it helped focus my study efforts within the NBAA Management Guide and I truly feel that it gave me considerable confidence heading into the test. Thank you for providing the test prep! It was a big help and I’d be happy to recommend it to anyone who would like a reference.” Jon Benzer, CAM

“The Cam Prep Test was instrumental in passing the exam. The content was well thought out and packaged. The questions were mind bending and eye opening. I thank you for putting together such an informative and helpful tool. Thanks Guys!” Kevin Farrow, CAM

“I just wanted to thank you again for putting together such a great piece of software to prepare for the CAM exam. More so, thank you for working with me and extending my review period to accommodate my schedule…After reviewing all the questions/taking the practice tests I felt very confident for the CAM exam. Nothing during the exam seemed unfamiliar.” Huey Martin, CAM

“The course really does a good job of laser focusing ones areas of weakness highlighting where to focus your studies. I would/will recommend this course to anyone who is working towards the CAM goal. Thanks again.” R.J. Bryan, CAM